Welcome to the Net Positive Community

Join us. The only support community online for those striving to be net positive for nature and climate.

Our community shares knowledge, experiences, and recommendations, so we can all be net positive for nature and climate. We work together to create a regenerative society that tackles climate change and restores biodiversity.

Ask a question, post experiences, share innovations you’ve discovered. We are helping one another map their journey to net positive, through the net positive life app.

Sign up and get notified of key discussions, blogs and news, that will help you become part of the solution.

We encourage trust between people. Discussions are supportive and encouraging. And by being compassionate people will be welcomed from all backgrounds so we can collectively find solutions.

Our Community is free to join.

Join us. Be Inspired. Learn. Help Others.

If you need to contact us via email please email tom@bettercentury.org.

:hearts: (to remove click :pushpin:)