Heating and electricity supply of housing in the UK accounts for 23% of greenhouse gases; 15% from heating and 8% from electricity. Moving to a 100% renewable energy supply and installing energy efficiency measures at home are the most straightforward and cost effective ways for anyone to reduce emissions ().
In order to avert run away climate change, global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must be cut in half by 2030. A badge has been created by Better Century to acknowledge anyone who’s made efforts to reduce emissions from their home.
As each home is distinctive in size and layout and whether it is owned, a threshold of energy usage or carbon emissions is prescribed. All you need to do is say what you have done to make your home low carbon.
Let’s get on with it!
The Challenge
Write a short piece about what you’ve done to decrease emissions from your home in reply to this topic and get three likes. You could have already written something on Better Century with the appropriate number of likes - if so just link it in a reply to this topic.
Once you’ve done this we’ll award you this badge in recognition.
What we’re looking in the replies to this post are:
- To keep an eye on energy usage from your home and show intention to watch the results of efforts you make to improve efficiency
- To use or intend to use 100% renewable energy supply (~30%) (see community guidance)
- To have increased energy efficiency in your home through behaviour change or energy efficiency measures (~25%) (see community guidance)