Hi all!
I am mother of two babies, one about to stop using diapers and the other one just started. I used washable diapers with y first daughter for a while, I tried several brands but all came out to the same ending: red rashes. I washed them with different soaps and no bleach or softener and changed her very frequently so that she wasn’t wet a long time, but still she got very bad rashes. Perhaps it was her skin (although on soaps, creams, lotions, SPFs and all other skin-related stuff she does pretty ok). I had to go back to disposable Any alternatives you wanna share? I’m looking forward to using washable again with my little one.
Best to all,
Hi Sandra. We’ve found it difficult as well. We have two children, the second of which is just coming out of nappies at the age of three (we’ve tried very hard to get her potty trained but is very difficult). For both we have used a mixture of Milo nappies (see piece from my wife below) and Kit & Kin which sends packets of nappies every month, which are 98% biodegradable.
What I have found out is in the UK there is a nappy bank in the UK where you can get pre-used reusable nappies, and can test the various products.
I wonder whether there is something similar in Mexico?
Well in Mexico, mostly between moms, we exchange or buy mostly reused baby stuff. Just recently I sold 15 washable diapers to a friend, who will pass them on to his sister. I know of many moms here that bought used washables and, if they didn’t work for them, either they traded them or sold them.
On the other hand, I did the same as “the great nappy debate” did, I used washables while at home and disposables when outside. My daugher is now 2 years and 5 months and she’ll start potty training next week at school and at home. Lets hope for the best (no more diapers for one!.. and one to go).