This is for all the people out there who are worried about money. You will learn how you can cut your bills and gain new skills, whilst securing savings for you and the environment.
I have come to realise through the extensive research that the answer to living sustainably is to enjoy the little things as much as possible whilst getting hands on at home and in our community. We have an opportunity to do that right now. I hope these tip tops will help you.
Share screens and cut mobile data usage
You’re probably reading this on your mobile through a wireless network. That’s great - it impacts the environment less if you’re using a wireless or wired network. If you’re using less mobile data and are on a flexible tariff, you should downscale. It’s a double win that could save you up to £50 and the environment 25kg of CO2 during lockdown. A highlight of the day is also needed for you and your housemates, so why not come together for a film or a TV show? If three people do that daily instead of watching their own screen, you’ll save energy and 20kg of CO2. Learn more #mobile_phone.
Use energy wisely
With average energy bills mounting to £120 a month, it’s time to think about energy use. You can cut your energy bills by up to 20% by; turning off heating in unused rooms, turning down heating by 2 degrees centigrade, cutting the length of showers, turning off devices completely, reducing use of tumble dryers and by filling up the kettle with the amount of water needed. During lockdown this could save up to £75 and the environment 50 kg of CO2. Learn more #energy-efficiency.
Treasure food
These challenging times of potential food shortage call for better and more varied use of food. There are shortages of eggs, pasta, meat and other staples. Now’s the time to be creative in eating healthy seasonal veg, whilst not wasting food. Purple sprouting broccoli, brussel sprouts, potatoes, turnips, squashes, asparagus, tomatoes and strawberries are coming into season. Try some vegan dishes, like a morning breakfast of porridge and oat milk, and celebrate these changing meals with your family. By eating different foods and not wasting you could save hundreds of pounds on food, as well as 150kg of carbon and 5,000 litres of freshwater by eating vegan during lockdown. Learn more #food.
Cut car usage
Most of us are already walking and cycling to get stuff, but some are still opting to use the car. If you’re driving 10 miles a day, during lock down this will cost you £50, and over 60kg of CO2. Consider during this time of lock down that you could also save on car tax and take a car off the road or sell it, for the average car that will save you £30, as well as 100kg of CO2 in embedded CO2. Learn more #no_car_living.
Switch to sustainable investments
The markets are going to take a long time to recover. One thing we’ve learnt is that green investments have weathered this storm way better than any other. Switching to a more sustainable bank or switching your investments or pension to a sustainable fund, will help you weather this storm. These investments are more stable due to demand and because of the types of investors, who stay, allowing for stock to not depreciate. Save the environment and your wallet by making a green investment. Learn more #BetterMoney.
Use less fashion items more often
We buy on average 35 pieces of clothing a year, and three pairs of shoes. When you’re not going out you can save on buying clothes as well as continually washing them. During lockdown you could save a few quid on washing and hundreds on buying, alongside hundreds of litres of water and tens of kilograms of CO2. Learn more #sustainable_fashion.
Connect with nature
As we start worrying about food, we consider where we can produce some without our reliance on supermarkets. We return to that source of stability which is nature. Marvel at nature in the mornings, walk through your local nature reserve, plant something in your garden and begin to reconnect with our source of energy. It will remove you from looking at screens, will help restore your wellbeing and will give you time to reflect. The financial and environmental benefits are immeasurable. Learn more #gardening.
If you’ve got tips or experiences to share please add to this topic by hitting reply - we’d love to hear how you are saving money during #Covid-19.
If you have benefitted from this please share it with your friends and family, we want to help as many people as possible during this crisis.