How to save money on energy this winter

Turn heating down by 1°C

By turning down your thermostat 1°C, an average home with save 1,530kWhrs of energy, around £200 a year! (and 330kg carbon :slight_smile: )

Turn off Radiator valves off in unused rooms

Turning off radiator valves in unused rooms will save the average household 530kWhrs in a year, around £70 off your bill! (and 115kg carbon :relaxed:).

Turn down boiler to 60°C

If you have a combi boiler you can turn down the flow temperature to 60°C, which reduces the heat escaping up the flue. Doing this will save up between 6-8% on energy bills over the winter. Over the year this will save you around 720kWhrs, translating to £80 in bills, and 150kg carbon :star_struck:.

Fill Kettle with needed water

Fill your kettle with the amount of water needed before boiling. This will save £13 a year on your electricity bill (8kgCO2e) :yum:.

Turn off appliances on standby

The average UK household spends £65 a year powering appliances left on standby. Turn them off and save 40kg carbon :shushing_face:.

Data sources

Data from government report on energy savings from behavioural changes (page 15) ‘Turn down thermostat by 1°C from 19°C to 18°C’ ‘most likely energy savings per household’ documented as 1530kWhrs per year. Calculating this against the emissions factor from icax of 215gCO2e/kWhr (which includes efficiencies of boiler) gives 329kGCO2e saved (rounded to 330). ‘Use radiator valves to turn off heating in unused rooms’ ‘most likely energy savings per household’ 530kWhrs. Calculating this against the emissions factor from icax of 215gCO2e/kWhr (which includes efficiencies of boiler) gives 113kGCO2e saved (rounded to 115).

Data from HomeBuilding article reporting on report from Heating and Hot Water Council outlining saving of 6-8% in turning down boiler to 60°C. The average household as documented by British Gas reporting on figures from Ofgem, uses 12,000kWhrs of gas energy. 6% of this is 720kWhrs. Calculating this against the emissions factor from the government of 204gCO2e/kWhr (as we don’t need to factor in efficiencies of the boiler), gives 146kgCO2e saving (rounded to 145).

Kettle and appliances: energy saving trust