Letters to our children initiative - Dear Children... This is what I did to make things better

I have been thinking about how you better communicate both ones feeling and sentiments for change, as well as frustrations about actually making change. I always think about those that follow us when I think about our change and the frustrations I experience.

I wonder if our posts should become a letter to the future about what we have done or have experienced in terms of frustrations?

I wrote the below and it was very cathartic. Anyone else want to try?

Dear Children,

I realised over a decade ago that I couldn’t avoid not working on the climate and biodiversity crisis. Nearly every day since I have thought about what I can do to make a difference and have looking at every single way I can do that. I have mostly felt dissatisfaction at what I’ve been able to achieve and the complacency of people and society at large.

I have been angry, unhappy, frustrated, sometimes I have felt elated and uplifted. It has been hard trying to make things better for you but I have tried.

I have attempted to persuade people, have pushed hard on policy change, have made changes in my own life, have given people advice, have researched and implemented technology for myself and others. I have worked in this space full time since 2010 - I even did a degree to try and learn how I could best help.

I will not stop. I will tell you the things I have done to make things better for you.

I love you,
