New progressive policy on the regeneration of nature - do check it out!

After two years of work helping the Green Party of England and Wales create the most forward-looking policy on the regeneration of nature, we are taking it to the conference for approval this Autumn. See link below which has an article from Jonathan Elmer - national spokesperson.

This shifts the conversation from ‘conservation’ to ‘regeneration’. We are no longer asking where should we conserve and how do we do it. We are asking how can everyone be involved in the regeneration of nature, and that everything we do needs to contribute to that goal.

The group I’ve worked with have developed numerous version of this document and have consulted the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts, RSPB and Nature4Climate. We have debated the big issues such as biodiversity offsetting and natural capital, and have concluded that nature cannot be valued in monetary terms.

Our policy protects nature through an act that gives it the right to exist, persist, regenerate and evolve. Like the climate change committee, we also believe in an independent committee that oversees government delivery of the regeneration of nature.

I’m amazed at how much I’ve learnt from group decision making. It has been a powerful exercise in understanding other people’s opinions, philosophies and attitudes. A crucial exercise to ensure our policy is representative of party opinions.

I come out wiser from the process, less entrenched and slightly enlightened about what should be our attitude to this problem.

I hope you share my enthusiasm!